Thursday, May 31, 2012

Lucas at 37 weeks

This week Lucas attended his very first birthday party!  Lucas's friend, Baby A, mailed him an invitation and he was pretty psyched.  He practically BEGGED me to take him.  All of the children at the party had a great time.  Baby A is a girl, totally unfamiliar territory for me, so I got to go shopping for fun little girl outfits.  Notice that Lucas is so busy playing in these pictures that I cannot get a good shot of his face.

Lucas at 36 weeks

Lucas is an extremely active child.  I thought I would take a picture that is truly representative of life with Lucas lately.  He is always on the move and I feel like I stare at the back of his head while he takes off and gets into things.

Lucas plays with his toys.  The thing that looks like a lawnmower on the right is a Christmas gift from his Aunt Ryan.

I couldn't end a post without sharing a picture of my son's beautiful face!

Lucas at 35 weeks

The sign always fascinates me.

Isn't Lucas's custom made ECU Pirates diaper adorable?!

Lucas is pretty darling in this picture but I had to post another shot of the diaper!

Lucas gets so many unsolicited compliments on his gorgeous blue eyes!
I'm so glad I have pictures of Lucas in his custom made ECU Pirates diaper.  I met a neat local mom named Shannon Hines recently.  As it turns out, Shannon is a cloth diaper freak just like me!  We love cloth diapers, appreciate a good pair of yoga Capri pants, and have beautiful sons.  Of course we clicked instantly.  We started talking shop about cloth diapering and Shannon told me that she started her own cloth diapering business, Hines Cushy Tushies.  Shannon sews amazingly cute and functional cloth diapers in her home.  She told me that her cloth diapering do-it-yourself extravaganza began when she could not find a cloth diaper that would keep her baby dry for a whole night.  I was having the same problem so I asked Shannon to sew me one with ECU Pirates fabric.  Lucas loves it, OBVIOUSLY, and I love it because I no longer have to change his crib sheets on a daily basis.  Hines Cushy Tushies are made with love and you can find them/Shannon on Facebook.  Thanks, Shannon!

Lucas at 34 weeks

Lucas fell asleep during a diaper change.  The photo opportunity was too cute to pass us.

Lucas at 33 weeks

Lucas returns to the baby corral/super yard yet again for another group of wonderful pictures.  At least I finally dressed him in something other than pajamas and he is awake.  Points for me! 

Maybe if I swat at the sign no one will notice how chubby my cheeks have gotten.

It's worth a try, isn't it?

Give me my sign back!

When all else fails total cuteness will get me through any situation.

Do you my halo shining brightly?

Lucas at 32 weeks

Again I photograph Lucas wearing the red sleeper.  I'm amazed we got so much use from one article of clothing.  If you are a parent of an active child and do not own a super yard or baby corral, they are definitely worth the investment.  In these pictures Lucas is playing in his.  He loves it and it gives me an opportunity to do things, like update the blog, while keeping Lucas safe.  Due to Lucas's appetite for paper I have had to get more clever about how I display the sign in the picture.  Sticky notes are amazing!

There is life outside the baby corral.  I can see it.

Teething biscuit?

Yes!  I get a teething biscuit if I just look cute for a couple more minutes.

Lucas is really hamming it up in hopes of getting the teething biscuit.

I am a baby with a limited amount of patience and I'd like the teething biscuit now if you don't mind.  Please and thank you.

Lucas at 31 weeks

In these pictures we prove that Andrew, Lucas's dad, still exists and my two favorite guys enjoy some cuddle time.

You can tickle me with your beard if you want to, but it will not prevent you from turning 40 this week!

Lucas loves being loved.

Lucas at 30 weeks

Look at my sweet face!

Lucas at 29 weeks

It must seem that Lucas did nothing but sleep for several weeks but that is far from reality.  I've never been a creative photographer and this week I was horribly ill.  Dad took over the photography and this is the result.

Mom's armpit sure makes me tired!

Saturday, May 26, 2012

First sickness

Lucas had his first disease: Hand-foot-mounth -,_foot_and_mouth_disease
We had few sleepless nights and he is all good now.

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Lucas and the broom

Lucas plays with the broom a second time with added gusto.

Couple days later ....